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Information in English


Devínsky ríbezlák trail run is a race with 21 km course organized by o.z. Turistický klub Filozof from Bratislava. The race takes place twice a year - in May and in November - and hence it provides a running experience in different conditions and natural sceneries of the Devínske Karpaty mountains.


The streets of old Dúbravka town part, forests of Devínska Kobyla, narrow and technical trails traversing the slops above the Morava river, magnificent views on the river and Devín castle, but also Hundsheimer Berge mountains, Schloss Hof estate and the flatlands in Austria, challenging ascent to Devínska Kobyla and fast downhill to Dúbravská hlavica and in the last part of the course a nice run in the forests above Dúbravka and Karlova Ves... This is, what you can find on the 21 km course of the "Beh Devínsky ríbezlák" race.  


The next edition of  the "Beh Devínsky ríbezlák" race will take place on Saturday 11th of November 2023.





(without age categories)



Registration fee is 15 EUR for one person. The information about registration fee payment will be sent to the registered runners via e-mail after submitting the registration form.



You can register since 21st of August 20.00 CET using the REGISTRATION FORM - link below.





  • Minimal age of a participant is 18 years.

  • The maximal number of participants is 120.

  • Registration at the presence/start place is not possible.

  • Registration fee return - only for registration cancellations announced before 3. November 2023 20.00 CET.

  • The race organizer reserves the right to change the participation conditions for the race.

  • The race organizer reserves the right to not accept a registration.



  • A mobile phone should be a matter of course for every race participant.

  • We recommend to use trailrunning shoes (not road running ones).

  • We recommend to bring a flask with water (the aid station is 14,5 km from start).



  • Only person, which has sent the registration via Registration form and paid the registration fee, can participate in the "Beh Devínsky ríbezlák" race (no registration at the race bibs collect or start place).

  • Not coming to the presence (race bibs collect before the start) results in DNS without any registration fee reimbursement. 

  • Shortening of the course and any kind of cheating results in disqualification of the participant.

  • Please bring your own cup (recommended is collapsible cup or flask with wide mouth), so we can avoid waste from not-reusable cups from aid station.

  • The participants are not allowed to throw their rubbish away at the course during the race.  

  • Time limit for completing the course is 3 hours from start time, arrival to the finish place after the time limit is marked as DNF.



  • Distance: 21 km

  • Total elevation gain: 780 m

  • Total elevation loss: 750 m

  • Course map: LINK

  • Variable ground (forest paths, single trails, forest roads, rocky passage, tarmac, meadow paths...)

  • GPX file will be sent to the registered participants in the information e-mail one week before the race.

  • The course will be marked with own marking, which will be remove after the race.

  • Information about course conditions (status from 6th of November) and some obstacles can be found HERE.


The "Beh Devínsky ríbezlák" race course has been certified by ITRA (International Trail Running Association) and it will be a part of the ITRA National League 2023.



  • Place: Športové centrum Dúbravka, street K Horánskej studni 29

  • Date and time: Saturday 11th of November 2023 from 08:30 to 09:40 CET

  • Please bring the filled-in and signed Informed consent and Participant's declaration document - we will be collecting the same before the race start (link for the document will be added).

  • Please, come early enough to pick up your race (at least 30 minutes before start).

  • There is a possibility to leave your bag / spare clothes etc. in a meeting room in the Športové centrum Dúbravka (1st floor of the sports center building).

After the race bibs collect time we will go together (approx. 5 minutes by walk) to the start place to the fire station (crossing of the Žatevná, Brižitská and Jadranská streets), from where the race will start at 10.00 CET.



  • There is one aid station close to the Dúbravská hlavica bike-trails signpost (14,5 km from start).

  • Refreshments: beverages (water, iont, pepsi/cola, tea), fruits, sweets, grape sugar, magnesium.



  • The race finish is in front of the Športové centrum Dúbravka sports center building. 

  • You can pick up your bags / spare clothes (left here before start) in the meeting room in the 1st floor, which will be available for the runners.

  • Refreshments (traditional sweet and salty cakes) will be prepared for the runners.

  • There is possibility to buy beverages in the bar (1st floor of the sports center building).



  • The time limit for completing of the course is 3 hours until 13.00 CET).

  • The runners, who will complete the course within the time limit, will receive a certificate in the finish.

  • First three men and first three women will receive medals and prizes from us. 



  • There is a limited number of parking places at the Športové centrum Dúbravka (not reserved for the race participants, also available for sports center visitors).

  • You can leave your car close to the fire station (start place - see information above) and in the close streets of Dúbravka.


  • The race will be properly announced to the respective as well as to the respective town sections.

  • Toilets in the sports center building (before the start and in finish): YES 

  • Showers in finish: YES

  • Electronic timekeeping in finish with online results: YES



The race organizer reserves the right to change the race course, change the race schedule or cancel the race. In such case the registered participants will be informed via e-mail.

Registration form
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